Class Management - The Control Centre!





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Who knew that just enrolling the member into a class, could be so simple and yet track so much?

+ Simply define your weekly timetable and then it will generate every day.

+ There is a screen which shows you the week at a glance, to allow your get your week's roster organised.

    - But of course you can also add a new ad-hoc class, cancel class or change the max participants randomly too.

+ When you enrol a member into a class, the following is all taken care of automatically:

    - Checks the member has a valid sale, and if paying by the class will check one off

    - Shows the manager and/or the member any alerts

    - Checks for gradings (those attained by class attendance)

    - And will also announce if it's their birthday! 🎂

+ There are acutally FOUR different registation screens!.

    1 The Attended Reception Registration Form (see image)

    2 The Unattended Gym Registration Form (so members can only check themselves in, from any web-browser)

    3 The Android Business App

    4 The Android or iPhone Member App